Bulbs - Autumn 2024 - ALLIUM


Please see my new catalogue of bulbs, rhizomatous plants etc.  

I will send bulbs when they will be ready for shipment.

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Allium aflatunense

Origin - Central Asia. I grow my plants from bulbs collected from Fergana Ridge, Western Tian-Shan.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil. 

Height – 100-130 cm

Bloom – May



Allium albidum

Origin - Caucasus

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil. Edible

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – July




Allium altissimum

Origin - Central Asia, Pamiralai. I grow my plants from seeds collected in Kyrgyz Botanical Garden, where this Allium grows freely many years especially well on semi-shade places under large trees.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil. 

Height – 100-120 cm

Bloom – May-June



Allium altyncolicum

Origin - Siberia. The species is from chives group. It is higher and blooms later then Allium schoenoprasum, has glaucous leaves and lilac-pink flowers. Edible.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil. 

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – May-June



Allium altyncolicum x karelinii LILAC MIST


Locality – sunny; well drained soil

Height – 40 cm

Bloom – June. Spontaneous garden hybrid, which took form and size of flowers and inflorescences from A.karelinii and colour from A.altyncolicum.



Allium amblyophyllum

Origin – Central Asia. Plants were grown from seeds collected by me in Karkara valley, Northern Tian-Shan.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; moist, rich, well drained soil.

Height – 40-70 cm

Bloom – May



Allium ampeloprasum

Origin – Caucasus, Azerbajan, Alty-Agach

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – up to 1 m

Bloom – July


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Allium angulosum

Origin – Siberia, Europe. My plants are vegetative propagated from bulbs, collected in Northern Kazakhstan.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; moist, rich, well drained soil. Edible

Height – 40-70 cm

Bloom – May-June



Allium atroviolaceun

Origin – Caucasus, Armenia

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 40-90 cm

Bloom – June




Allium backhousianum

Origin – Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan. I grow my stock from seeds collected on Fergana Ridge.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – up to 1 m

Bloom – May-June

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Allium bekeczalicum

Origin – Central Asia. I grow my plants from seeds, collected be me in Fergana Ridge, Western Tian-Shan. Endemic species with small natural areal. It has healthy fresh glaucous leaves during all period of blooming.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 40-80 cm

Bloom – May



Allium caesium

Origin – Central Asia. I grow my stock from seeds collected by me in Chuu valey, Northern Tian-Shan.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil

Height – 40-60 cm

Bloom – May-June

3 bulbs - 5.00 


Allium caricifolium

Origin – Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan, Chuu valley. I offered this species as A.pallasii before, but in 2022 it was deduced from synonyms A. pallasii as a result of DNA research. Samples of my plants were also used in these studies. 

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 30-70 cm

Bloom – May-June

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Allium cernuum

Origin – Northetn America

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – June




Allium denudatum

Origin – Caucasus

Locality – sunny; well drained soil. Edible

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – July




Allium dodecadontum

Origin – Central Asia. My bulbs were grown from seeds collected from plants from collection of Botanical garden of Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, in Bishkek.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil

Height – 50-100 cm

Bloom – May



Allium dolichostylum

Origin - Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Suusamyr

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; rich, well drained soil. 

Height – 40-60 cm

Bloom – May-June


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Allium ericetorum

Origin – Europe

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; rich, well drained soil

Height – 40-50 cm

Bloom – August-September




Allium farrerii, syn. A. cyathophorum v. farrerii

Origin – NW China

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; moist well drained soil. Edible

Height – 20-30 cm

Bloom – June




Allium fistulosum

Origin – Siberia

Locality – sunny; well drained soil. Edible

Height – 40-60 cm

Bloom – June




Allium flavescens

Origin – Eastern Europe, Western Siberia

Locality – sunny; well drained soil

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – July




Allium flavum

Origin - Europe, Czechia, South Moravia, Mikulov

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil. 

Height – 40-50 cm

Bloom – July


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Allium fuscoviolaceum

Origin – Caucasus

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil

Height – 70-100 cm

Bloom – July


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Allium galanthum

Origin – Kyrgyzstan, Talas. Edible.

Locality – sunny; well drained soil. 

Height – 50-70 cm

Bloom – June


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Allium globosum

Origin – Caucasus

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil

Height – 30-40 cm

Bloom – August




Allium hymenorhizum

Origin – Central Asia. I grow my stock from seeds, collected on Trans-Ili Ridge, Northern Tian-Shan.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; moist well drained soil

Height – 40-80 cm

Bloom – June-July



Allium jesdianum

Origin - Central Asia

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil. 

Height – 80-100 cm

Bloom – May




Allium karelinii KARKARA

Origin – Central Asia. I grow my plants from seeds collected by me in Karkara valley, Northern Tian-Shan. 

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; moist, rich, well drained soil

Height – 40-60 cm

Bloom – May



Allium komarovii

Origin – Central Asia, Pamiralai.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – May




Allium kwakense

Origin – Tajikistan

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 50-70 cm

Bloom – May




Allium ledebourianum

Origin – Kazakhstan, Siberia

Locality – sunny place; moist, rich, well drained soil.

Height – 20-40 cm

Bloom – May-June




Allium lepsicum

Origin - Kazakhstan. It was found by Vladimir Epiktetov in Dzungar Alatau. Described in 2021, I offered this Allium as 'Allium aff robustum' before.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 50 cm

Bloom - May

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Allium litvinovii ARKIT

Origin – Central Asia. Bulbs from seeds collected near Arkit village, Western Tian-Shan.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil.

Height – 30-40 cm

Bloom – May-June



Allium litvinovii ISFAIRAMSAI

Origin – Central Asia. Bulbs from seeds collected in the Isfairamsai valley, Pamiralai. This clone is shorter and has fewer flowers in inflorescences.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil.

Height – 20-30 cm

Bloom – May-June

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Allium litvinovii SARY-CHELEK

Origin – Central Asia. Bulbs from seeds collected near Sary-Chelek lake, Western Tian-Shan. The clone with a bit lighter flowers.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil.

Height – 30-40 cm

Bloom – May-June

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Allium litvinovii TASH-KUMYR

Origin – Central Asia. Bulbs from seeds collected near the Tash-Kumyr city.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil.

Height – 30-40 cm

Bloom – May-June


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Allium longicuspis

Origin – Central Asia. My stock is grown from bulbs collected on Fergana Ridge, Western Tian-Shan. It is genetically identical to garlic (A. sativum). But it is higher, larger than common garlic and has very strong, pungent  taste.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil.

Height – 90-130 cm

Bloom – July



Allium lusitanicum MORAVIA

Selected seedling of Allium lusitanicum. High (up to 80 cm) abundant blooming Allium, inflorescence diameter is 6 cm.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; rich, well drained soil. 

Height – 70-80 cm

Bloom – July



Allium nutans ALTAI

Origin – East Kazakhstan. I grow plants from bulbs collected in Altai.

Locality – sunny place; moist, rich, well drained soil

Height – 40-60 cm

Bloom – August




Allium oschaninii

Origin – Central Asia. I grow plants from seeds collected by me in Pamiralai. This species is known in Europe as 'French grey shallot'.

Locality – sunny; well drained soil. 

Height – 40-80 cm

Bloom – July



Allium paczoskianum syn. Allium flavum ssp tauricum

Origin – Caucasus

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – June-July




Allium platyspathum

Origin - Central Asia. The plants were grown from seeds collected on Pamiralai, near Lenin's peak on altitude 3800 m asl. It is earlest blooming Allium in my garden.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; moist, rich, well drained soil

Height – 10-40 cm

Bloom – April.

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Allium pseudoseravschanicum

Origin – Central Asia, Turkmenistan

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 60-80 cm

Bloom – May

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Allium pseudowinklerianum

Origin - Central Asia. The bulbs were grown from seeds collected from plants, which were found on Yassy valley, Fergana Ridge, Western Tian-Shan.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 50-70 cm

Bloom - May

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Allium quercetorum

Origin – Caucasus. I offered this Allium as 'Allium decipiens' before. Thanks Nikolai Friesen for identification and clarification.

Locality – sunny, semi-shade place; well drained soil

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – May

3 bulbs - 5.00 


Allium ramosum

Origin - Far East

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 50-70 cm

Bloom - June - August




Allium rosenbachianum

Origin – Tajikistan

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 50-70 cm

Bloom – May




Allium rupestre

Origin – Caucasus

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 15-30 cm

Bloom – August




Allium saposhnikowii

Origin - Central Asia. I frow my plants from seeds collected in the Norus valley, Nortern Tian-Shan. Endemic with very small areal.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 60-100 cm

Bloom – May




Allium saravschanicum

Origin – Central Asia, Tajikistan

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 60-80 cm

Bloom – May






Locality – sunny place; well drained soil. Spontaneous hybrid of A.nevskianum.

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom - May




Allium suworowii

Origin – Central Asia. I grow my plants from seeds collected near Kordai in Chuu-Ili mountains, Kazakhstan.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 60-90 cm

Bloom - May



Allium tianschanicum, robust form

Origin - Central Asia. This form was found on Kuluktau mountains, Trans Ili Ridge, Northern Kazakhstan. It is higher, has bigger inflorescence and wider leaves than typical form.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 50 cm

Bloom – June-July



Allium tuberosum

Origin – Central Asia. Very popular species in Central Asian cuisine

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 30-50 cm

Bloom – August




Allium ursinum CHARTREUSE WAVE

Origin - Europe. Vigorous plants with slightly undulate pale green leaves

Locality – semi-shade, shady place; moist, rich ,well drained soil

Height – 30 cm

Bloom - April


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Allium ursinum YELLOW LEAVES

Origin - Europe.

Locality – semi-shade, shady place; moist, rich ,well drained soil

Height – 30 cm

Bloom - April


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Allium woronowii

Origin - Armenia. These bulbs are grown from seeds received from Levon Vardanyan.

Locality – sunny place; well drained soil

Height – 30-60 cm

Bloom – April-May


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